The Sir Mutha Venkatasubba Rao Concert Hall , A unit of the Madras Seva Sadan would like to thank our corporate partners for their continued support. The Sir M V Rao Concert Hall receives no funding from either central or local government and derives most of its income from hiring the Hall to promoters or via corporate partnerships.
This income is allocated to the long term multi-purpose welfare activities and charity work towards the Madras Seva Sadan institutions in addition to funding the founding objective of promoting the education and sciences. The Madras Seva Sadan has a programme of providind free education and training for work skills for adults, focusing particularly on those who would not otherwise be able to access and participate in these programmes
The Concert Hall is dedicated to build communities through creative reconstruction, and we value the importance of corporate partnerships.
Going beyond sponsoring arts programmes, you are closely associated with the audience through an integrated marketing campaign - we customise exclusive branding campaigns that will match your company's market positioning and values.
You can make the Concert hall an extension of your marketing strategy to diverse audiences through an exclusive and long-term partnership with our commitment to excellence
Do call us for a customized proposal that will match your corporate needs